Wednesday, May 8, 2024

loud house revamped

The chip soon began to activate itself automatically, transforming Drake into the Joker. According to the Joker, any lingering memories were chalked up as bad dreams by Drake. Over time, the Joker's subconscious awakened and began to assume control of Drake's body. Tim then enters into a mental breakdown, crying whatever sanity he has left of himself as Barbara Gordon (the current Batgirl) comforts him. Years later, he planned one final joke on Batman after realizing the "game" was getting old. On top of that, he documented the whole interrogation with an old video projector and possibly slides (since he claimed he had them).

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Eventually, Jason Todd and Batman uncovered a crime spree occurring in Bosnia, where the Joker had poisoned an entire hospital and was raiding medicine (in reality a diversion to ensure Ra's al Ghul and his League of Shadows toppled the European Economy). However, Jason Todd's recklessness got the better of him and proceeded to chase after the Joker, which resulted in his capture. Held prisoner by the Joker, he was subject to torture via bludgeoning with a crowbar by the deranged clown, and then left to be blown up by the bomb, which went off just as Batman arrived to rescue him.

Syracuse football has revamped its coaching staff on both sides of the ball - Inside the Loud House

Syracuse football has revamped its coaching staff on both sides of the ball.

Posted: Sat, 11 Jan 2020 08:00:00 GMT [source]

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loud house revamped

Rather than use the technology early, the Joker decided to save the technology for another time. The Joker with his new team then left the facility before purchasing air time on several networks under the moniker of "Gwynplaine Entertainment" and broadcast a live feed of Las Vegas. The Joker secretly planted several dozen extremely powerful time-bombs all throughout the city and threatened to blow up the entire city early if anyone but the Justice League tried to stop him. Though the Justice League manage to disarm the bombs and defeat the Royal Flush Gang, the bomb stunt was merely to attract viewers throughout the world.

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Jason proved not to be a complete monster when he ordered the dealers not to give the kids drugs, which shows he would not hurt the kids; in fact, Jason was arguably a tragic figure who had endured his brutal torture at the hands of the Joker. Something which figuratively proceeded to haunt Jason for the rest of his life. Jason's most complicated personality trait is his relationship with his former mentor. On one hand, he still cares about Bruce as he spared his life several times throughout the film. However, he also resents him for not killing Joker, outright accusing him of using his fear of becoming worse than the clown as an excuse for not doing what's right. This results in him almost destroying an entire apartment, so he could either force Batman to kill one of them or end up getting the three of them blown up.

He also carried a variety of equipment, including pistols, explosives, a combat knife and a taser. He was also extremely skilled and chaotic martial artist, capable of holding his own against somebody as experienced as Batman. He was incredibly brutal in a fight, and used underhanded and sadistic maneuvers against an opponent. However, despite the fact that he was an expert fighter, Batman was older, stronger and infinitely more experienced than him, and was eventually capable of defeating him. Jason had the utterly fatal weakness was that he would let his rage get the better of his judgement and logic.

They went at the witches and blasted and smashed them all over the place with light, fire, leaves, water, wind and more and pink energy blasts and more and really let them have it. They went at Frankenplank and smashed and blasted it all over the place and more with magic, ice, fire, energy, leaves, water, gears and wind and more and really let it have it. Rarity ran fast and an energy wheel formed as she ran and smashed the Spider Creature all over. Princess Celestia fired a wave of solar fire and it slammed into the Headless Horseman and burned him all over. Pinkie fired a barrage of donuts covered in ghost chili garlic sauce and they went into the vampiress's mouth.

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Rainbow Dash fired a massive blast of rainbow light and it twisted into a tornado and it slammed into Medusa and smashed her all over the place. Lightning Dust and Rainbow Dash went at the creature with incredible speed and leaving rainbow and lightning trails behind. They went at him and smashed and blasted him all over with incredible speed and more and really let the monster have it. Jason was a superb athlete, in the peak of physical prowess and mentality, making him an agile opponent.

loud house revamped

Eli was doing the same thing and he was just as fast and as acrobatic as me. The Pumpkin Rapper was planted off-screen by Squatt and Baboo in a pumpkin patch, hidden amongst many other pumpkins. This was done thanks to some foresight from Goldar when he realised Halloween was approaching and approved by Rita once she realised that Kimberly had gone on a game show called "Trick or Treat."

Tim soon left after this, choosing to make the right decision for himself. Barbara soon retired from her career as Batgirl and went on to follow her father's footsteps as the new police commissioner of Gotham City following her father's retirement. Despite his death, Joker's legacy as a criminal mastermind and homicidal maniac would live on for years. Whilst the people of Gotham were relieved at the Joker's final and ultimate defeat, they still feared his destructive legacy.

The real plan was to use the powers of the Gang's fifth member, Ace, who could drive people insane just by looking at them in person or on TV. The Joker then transmitted Ace's thought waves across the air to render everyone under a mass psychosis. Batman confronted the Joker alone, and despite almost being driven insane by Ace's powers and receiving vicious beatings from Joker, managed to reveal to Ace that the Joker held on to a special headband used to nullify Ace's powers by Project Cadmus.

Scarecrow was originally going to appear as the main antagonist of the cancelled film Batman Unchained. He would have teamed up with a reimagined version of Harley Quinn to fight Batman and Robin. He was planned to be portrayed by either Nicolas Cage or Coolio, the latter of which would have been reprising a role from Batman & Robin.

Dark Raph is the clone of Raphael and the least intelligent of the Dark Turtles, relying on brawns as opposed to brains, and his speech is rather primitive. He tends to not think out what he says and as a result, his grammar is often very bad (e.g. saying "I'm gonna make you not move no more). Dark Raph is easily provoked, similar to the hotheaded Raphael, making him violently attack people with his weapons, the twin Talon Knucklers. Dark Raph is easily offended when someone insults his appearance, which Michelangelo once used to take him down. Raphael also said Dark Raph had bad breath, which made him extremely angry. He also seems to be somewhat open to cannibalism, since he suggested cracking open and eating Raphael, but this may be due to the scarcity of food the Dark Turtles suffer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

House Sparrows: Deep Dive of Their Nesting and Breeding Habits

house sparrow nest

You can find House Sparrows most places where there are houses (or other buildings), and few places where there aren’t. Along with two other introduced species, the European Starling and the Rock Pigeon, these are some of our most common birds. Their constant presence outside our doors makes them easy to overlook, and their tendency to displace native birds from nest boxes causes some people to resent them. But House Sparrows, with their capacity to live so intimately with us, are just beneficiaries of our own success. Did you know that house sparrows, those chirpy little birds you see hopping around in the city, have some pretty cool nesting habits? Yep, these birds are like the ultimate urban dwellers, finding unique spots to set up home right under our noses.

What to do about house sparrows

The sentences agreeing and disagreeing with the Peromyscus article should probably be removed. Different model organisms are best suited for answering different questions, and all model organisms have shortcomings. A tendency to eat novel foods may benefit birds in habitats where resources are scarce or unfamiliar, but such behavior could also come with risks. Spoiled foods or exposure to novel toxins, for example, may activate the immune system (Martin and Fitzgerald, 2005). Importantly, many morphological characteristics also vary geographically. Introduced populations in North America were discovered to have pale coloration in hot, arid climates, but darker coloration in cooler, humid climates (Johnston and Selander, 1964).

Bluebird nest vs. house sparrow nest: Nest material

Through these clever reproductive strategies, house sparrows continue to thrive near human settlements across North America. House sparrows aren't popular among birders, and for good reason. Learn more about them to better deal with these birds at your feeders and nest boxes.

Leaving the Nest: When Do Baby House Sparrows Fledge?

house sparrow nest

Favorite habitats include parking lots, gas stations, park-like areas, and any urban environments. Learn all about birds around the world through our growing collection of in-depth expert guides. Young House Sparrows fledge the nest about two weeks after hatching. The baby Sparrows can leave as early as ten days if they are in danger or stay as long as 16 days in some cases.

Active human settlements, including urban areas, agricultural landscapes, and suburban environments, provide ideal conditions for house sparrows. Their range extends from cities and towns to farmlands and open countryside, showcasing an active and widespread distribution. The clutch size of house sparrows can change due to fluctuations in food availability and environmental factors. The eggs are typically laid in quick succession, usually one egg per day. The female then invests her energy in incubating the eggs to ensure a successful hatching. The exact timeframe of laying eggs varies from location to location.

house sparrow nest

Upon closer inspection, the interior of house sparrow nests reveals a softer lining, often consisting of feathers, hair, or other fine materials. This lining enhances the nest’s insulation properties, providing a cozy and comfortable environment for incubating eggs and raising chicks. The responsibility for building falls primarily on the female, who engages in a meticulous process that showcases both skill and resourcefulness. With an active and purposeful demeanor, female house sparrows gather an assortment of materials, including twigs, grasses, feathers, and even bits of human-made debris. This article has talked a lot about characteristics that differentiate bluebird nests from house sparrow nests.

This article is intended to aid in identifying house sparrow nests and eggs. Male house sparrows tend to be heavier and larger than females (Figure 1; Hanson et al., 2020b). Males have gray crests and black post-ocular stripes with conspicuous white spots behind the eyes (Figure 1b). Male abdomens are gray whereas bills, tails, wings and body feathers are black or dark brown.

The back and wings are a mixture of shades of brown, black, and gray, and the underparts are a pale gray-brown. 100 birds were brought to Brooklyn, NY, and successfully released. Additional releases in other areas of the country occurred from 1871 to 1874. House Sparrows, some folks also call them Sparrow Bird or English Sparrows, may not be the most loved birds, but they are a part of our backyard bird-watching experience.

Nesting Facts

Sparrows Are the Main Suspects in a Bird-Nest Murder - The New York Times

Sparrows Are the Main Suspects in a Bird-Nest Murder.

Posted: Fri, 02 Jun 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

At night, house sparrows return to their nests to sleep, especially when they have chicks to care for. Outside of breeding season, they may roost in trees, shrubbery, or other sheltered areas in groups for warmth and safety. When you first see a house sparrow nest, it might look small. Sometimes they can be bigger or smaller, depending on where the sparrows decide to build them.

If the bird you’re looking at has a chestnut cap (reddish brown rather than a dull brown), it is not a house sparrow. At this time of year, the males puff up and display, making them appear like much larger birds. The general feeling was that this could be achieved by simply renaming some of the sections and adding a few guiding sentences throughout. This specific article provides a summary of our current knowledge on the biology and evolution of the house sparrow, and discusses its place as a model species for biological insight.

In the realm of house sparrows, the responsibility of incubating eggs falls primarily on the female. Once the female actively lays the eggs, she assumes an attentive and nurturing role, actively sitting on the clutch to provide warmth and facilitate the crucial process of embryonic development. This active incubation period typically lasts for about 10 to 14 days, during which the female maintains a consistent and dedicated presence on the nest. House sparrow nests typically take on a rounded or domed shape with a side entrance.

Three primary ways to tell a bluebird nest from a house sparrow nest is shape, material, and height. Bluebirds have clean cups of pine or straw that sit below the entry hole. House sparrows fill a box with no defined cup or consistent material. Just like George Box’s claim for mathematical models, no model organism is perfect, but many can be informative (Bolker, 2014; Box, 1976). Epigenetic variation, namely DNA methylation, has also begun to be investigated in house sparrows (Kilvitis et al., 2018; Kilvitis et al., 2019; Riyahi et al., 2017).

House Sparrow eggs are sometimes confused with Cowbird eggs, but typically there would be only one Cowbird egg, and the rest would belong to the host. Just in case you’re not sure why it is so important to find out whether you have a bluebird nest vs. a house sparrow nest, we’re going to dive right into that question. Cowbirds, which are North American birds that lay eggs in other birds’ nests also have speckled eggs with a grayer base color. However, cowbird eggs will be larger, and you should only see one or two at most in a nest box (usually with a bluebird egg).

House Sparrow Nests and Eggs: A Detailed Look

house sparrow nest

After becoming common in North American cities where they were intentionally released in the nineteenth century, House Sparrows colonized farmyards and barns during the twentieth century. With the recent industrialization of farms, House Sparrows now seem to be declining across most of their range. Introduced from Europe starting in 1851, this sparrow has expanded widely. House sparrows primarily nest in cavities but are flexible and can nest in anything that resembles an enclosure, dense vines, and trees. They are aggressive and are known to displace native cavity-nesting birds.

Range & Identification

During this time, these birds are highly active in building nests, mating, and raising their young. House sparrows regularly re-use the same nest for the following brood. Field observations indicate that females can start laying eggs for the next brood as soon as 8 days after the chicks of the earlier brood have left the nest. However, in some cases, it took much longer for a sparrow female to start laying eggs after the preceding brood left the nest. House Sparrows prefer to nest in holes, cracks, nest boxes, and other cavities. The nest is built by filling the cavity with nesting material and then completed with a soft inner lining where they lay their eggs.

How Long Do House Sparrows Live?

The eggs around you seem to glow with possibility, each one a chance for nature to repeat its timeless ritual of birth and renewal. When you release the egg, you do so with care, letting it settle softly back into its nest. These birds have a plant-based diet and tend to focus on seeds; they especially enjoy cracked corn and millet.

Incubation of the eggs

Reviewer 1 noted, "I learned quite a bit and I am grateful to the authors for pointing me towards some useful references I should add to my reading list". Some building managers hire wildlife control companies to come in after hours and shoot these birds using pellet guns. Other try to save expense by putting out glueboard traps—perhaps the most inhumane consumer product on the market—on perching surfaces.

Urban areas, with their abundance of man-made crevices and food sources, offer prime nesting locations. With up to five clutches per season, a successful pair can produce 20 or more offspring. This high reproductive success lets sparrows thrive, even while competing for nest sites with native species.

house sparrow nest

The reviewers, however, felt it would be better to balance this with a bit more on the recent evolutionary genomics on the species. For example, the Italian sparrow is mentioned only in passing but it is quite an important aspect of why this study system is so interesting to speciation research. Work by Elgvin et al., 2017 and 2011, Hermansen et al., 2014, and Trier et al., 2014 is worth looking at. Outstanding questions about the natural history of house sparrows. Gathering coarse materials, you laid the foundation so we could cooperate decorating our sanctuary with feathers and grass.

house sparrow nest

Does the male or female House Sparrow build the nest?

In fact, the presence of several pieces of litter/trash in a nest is a very very good signal that this is a house sparrow nest. House sparrows, on the other hand, are famous for tunneling their nests. Rather than seeing a cup formed over the top of the nest, you might see a hole in the side of the nesting material that goes into the nesting space. Research published in the journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution found that a combination of poor diet and air pollution induced physical stress on house sparrows, leading to reduced reproductive success. The first house sparrow decline was actually reported in the 1920s, when automobiles began widely replacing horses. Sparrows feasted on the huge amount of spilled grain found in cities.

House Sparrows and Native Birds

House sparrow guide: species facts, how to identify, and how to put up a nestbox for them - BBC Discover Wildlife

House sparrow guide: species facts, how to identify, and how to put up a nestbox for them.

Posted: Fri, 20 Mar 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

This is not an exhaustive list, but it is a good start to help you determine what bird built on top of a bluebird nest. For instance, if the bird you’re looking at has a speckled chest, it is not a house sparrow. If the bird you’re looking at has a very narrow, needle looking beak, it is not a house sparrow.

Competing for Space: House Sparrows and Nest Boxes

House sparrows do not excavate cavities nor enhance existing structures to fit their needs. They have colonized just about every urban and semi-urban area throughout North, Central, and South America. House Sparrows lay oval eggs that measure about 0.85 inches long and 0.6 inches across (215 x 155 mm). Each egg has a whitish ground color and is finely spotted and streaked in brown or gray.

They are difficult to discourage but can be frightened off with fishing lines tied near the entrance and roof of the box or with so-called ‘Sparrow spookers’. Eggs are cream, white, gray or greenish tint, with irregular fine brown speckles, shell is smooth with slight gloss. The background color can vary, the color of the spots can vary, the thickness of spotting can vary, and the size can vary.

But globally, the sparrow’s decline is a story we should heed, as it may help us better understand how to coexist with nature in the Anthropocene. The widely reported global insect decline may also be a significant factor. Many think of house sparrows as vegetarians, gobbling bird seed and grains. But, as with many birds, they rely on protein-rich insects to feed their young. The article gives a lot of detail on the epigenetic basis of phenotypic plasticity in house sparrows. This is not that surprising given a lot of the work on the system is done by the authors.

Once the basic shape is in place, both the male and female work together to add softer materials for the lining, such as feathers, string, and paper. This creates a cozy interior for the eggs and, later on, the nestlings. The female house sparrow begins to lay eggs as soon as the nest is finished. In North America, the first eggs have been recorded in early March, and the last dependent chicks have been observed in late September. The onset of the breeding season is influenced by temperature. In higher latitudes, breeding starts later than in warmer temperatures.

Monday, May 6, 2024

Household budget planner Hargreaves Lansdown

house budget calculator

In fact, you may be able to qualify for a VA loan without putting any money down. If you’re planning to buy a house, you’ll need to get a sense of how much home you can afford. Having a child is generally one of the costliest (and time-consuming) expenses for any adult, so it is important to plan for this financially. But if you can swing a balance transfer it might be able to help you fast-track your debt payment and get you to the debt-to-income ratio you need to qualify for a home purchase. There is something to be said for the idea of not maxing out your credit possibilities.

The 28/36 rule - what it is and how it works

But over time, the rate on an adjustable-rate mortgage could go up by a lot, while the rate on a fixed-rate mortgage would remain the same. A personal budget can help people live within their means and plan for the future. The Budget Calculator evaluates the components of a personal budget and highlights which specific areas need improvement. This means your money is going toward your actual debt and not interest on that debt.

Accounting Calculators

Oh, and keep track of your monthly income, or how much money you are bringing home each month. You "pay yourself" by beefing up your emergency fund and investing for retirement, you pay your bills (including any debts you're carrying) and then you can spend what's left over. Having a budget that you regularly reassess will help you take stock of where your money is going and how close you are to meeting your goals. In the U.S., conventional, FHA, and other mortgage lenders like to use two ratios, called the front-end and back-end ratios, to determine how much money they are willing to loan.

This calculator will help you compare your income and expenditure.

Jumbo loans allow you to purchase more expensive properties but often require 20% down, which can cost more than $100,000 at closing. Stick to that number and you’ll have plenty of room in your budget to tackle other financial goals, like investing for retirement or saving for your kid’s college. A report made by a qualified person to estimate the value of a property, often used to help determine an appropriate loan limit. If you're purchasing, the appraised value usually needs to be equal to or greater than the home's purchase price. We'll send you disclosures listing your loan terms as well as estimated payments, and your application will be reviewed by an underwriter.

The presentation of the 44.6% capital gains rate proposal is a strategic policy maneuver—loudly shouting a startlingly high percentage while mutely ignoring the crucial aspect of income thresholds. The intent appears to be to play on public sentiments and concerns, more specifically the political landmine of adverse outcomes for small-business owners. Disabled people could receive vouchers instead of monthly payments under proposed changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP). Some Canadians making money from capital gains are set to pay higher taxes starting this year, according to the federal budget tabled by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland on Tuesday.

Most banks don’t like to make loans to borrowers with higher than a 43% debt-to-income ratio. Although it’s possible to find lenders willing to do so (but often at higher interest rates), the thinking behind the rule is instructive. An adjustable-rate mortgage or ARM has an interest rate that can change. Your monthly payments can go up or down with this type of mortgage.

Personal and Entertainment

Budget Calculator - Ramsey - Ramsey Solutions

Budget Calculator - Ramsey.

Posted: Wed, 04 Oct 2023 22:05:30 GMT [source]

Ideally, every dollar of your income should be accounted for in a monthly budget. That may sound like living paycheck to paycheck and in a way it is. A conventional loan is a type of mortgage that is not insured or guaranteed by the government.

Plus, there is no limit on the amount you can borrow if you’re a first-time homebuyer with full entitlement. You’ll need to also consider how the VA funding fee will add to the cost of your loan. Remember, your monthly house payment includes more than just repaying the amount you borrowed to purchase the home. The "principal" is the amount you borrowed and have to pay back (the loan itself), and the interest is the amount the lender charges for lending you the money. Depending upon your property location, property type, and loan amount, you may have other monthly or annual expenses such as mortgage insurance, flood insurance, or homeowner association fees.

Current Mortgage Rates by State

In the case of a 30-year mortgage (depending, of course, on the interest rate) the loan’s interest can add up to three or four times the listed price of the house (yes, you read that right!). For the first 10 years of a 30-year mortgage, you could be paying almost solely on the interest and hardly making a dent in the principal on your loan. Generally, the higher the credit score you have, the lower the interest rate you’ll qualify for and improve overall what you can afford in a home. Even lowering your interest rate by half a percent can save you thousands of dollars and increase your affordability range significantly. This loan is a great option for anyone who is a veteran or currently serving in the United States military. The loan does not require any down payment, and unlike other loans, it also does not require private mortgage insurance.

house budget calculator

The United States Department of Agriculture backs USDA loans that benefit low-income borrowers purchasing in eligible, rural areas. While an upfront funding fee is required on these loans, your down payment can be as little as zero down without paying PMI. VA loans are partially backed by the Department of Veterans Affairs, allowing eligible veterans to purchase homes with zero down payment (in most cases) at competitive rates. Homeowners in some developments and townhome or condominium communities pay monthly Homeowner's Association (HOA) fees to collectively pay for amenities, maintenance and some insurance. Look back through your bank account and add up how much you spent on gas last month as a starting number for this category.

Unless you have extraordinary self-discipline, it won't happen without a budget plan. The purpose of budgeting is to allocate your income between your estimated expense categories for the month. You may have heard that medical costs are on the rise in this country. Whether your employer helps cover your health insurance premiums or you cover that expense on your own, you probably don't go a year without incurring some medical expense.

Similar to the FHA loan, this home loan lets lower-income families become homeowners. The loan does not require a down payment, but you will have to get private mortgage insurance. One of the most important aspects of controlling the budget is to determine where money is going. By entering income and monthly expenditures, view how much money is left to save and how much money is being spent. In addition, click the "view report" button to compare the budget breakdown to our targets, which can help identify areas for improvement. Use this tool to calculate the maximum monthly mortgage payment you'd qualify for and how much home you could afford.

house budget calculator

For more on the types of mortgage loans, see How to Choose the Best Mortgage. Conventional loans can come with down payments as low as 3%, although qualifying is a bit tougher than with FHA loans. The policy has been delayed multiple times and earlier this month the Financial Times reported that the government would not "turn on" the checks this week because border systems were not fully ready. The government said this was not true - but indicated they would initially focus on higher-risk products. If you paid (even just the deposit) by credit card, you can make a S75 claim against the credit card provider who is jointly liable under S75 Consumer Credit Act 1974.

Only one in 20 Americans commutes to work by public transportation. Depending on where you live you may also have to pay for tolls and parking. A budget lets you manage how much you're spending relative to how much you're earning. Budgeting also lets you see how much you're spending in different categories. Second, having a budget leaves you better prepared for changes in the future.

Mortgage Calculator - Money

Mortgage Calculator.

Posted: Thu, 28 Mar 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

A plan is good in theory, after all, but it doesn’t become real until you actually follow it. Track your spending against your budget each month with budgeting software programs or apps, or even just pen and paper. Mortgage interest is the cost you pay your lender each year to borrow their money, expressed as a percentage rate. The calculator auto-populates the current average interest rate. When you’re debt-free and your fully funded emergency fund is, well, fully funded, it’s time for retirement savings! If you’ve never budgeted before—or it’s been a while—this budget calculator is a solid starting point.

Change the information currently provided in the calculator to match your personal information and view your results. Be intentional about making generosity a regular part of your life. If you haven’t already, use the How Much House Can I Afford Calculator at the top of the page to get a good estimate of the amount you should spend. Insurance that protects the lender or homebuyer (if the homebuyer purchases an owner's coverage policy) against loss resulting from a title error or dispute.

HOUSE Brooklyn New York a MICHELIN Guide Restaurant

house brooklyn

Though Mr. Schumer, the Democratic majority leader, was in Washington, demonstrators rallied on Tuesday in Grand Army Plaza, one block away from his Brooklyn home, a common site of protests since the onset of the Israel-Hamas war. As the sun set, hundreds of people gathered around a circular banner representing a Seder plate, which included the words “Jews say stop arming Israel” alongside images of foods eaten during the Seder meal. A carefully curated wine flight is available to accompany the tasting menu, but despite the French influence, House is at its heart a Japanese restaurant, so don’t pass up the chance to try the stellar sake selection. House teams the two cuisines perfectly, highlighting both the most famous flavors from each, as well as the lesser represented. Tani’s signature dishes include Stracciatella cheese with strawberries, and Foie Gras Pilaf with Kyoto-style pickles.

Brooklyn Open Houses: A Bed Stuy Brownstone - Brownstoner

Brooklyn Open Houses: A Bed Stuy Brownstone.

Posted: Fri, 26 Apr 2024 16:01:55 GMT [source]

Swedish House Mafia Announce Surprise NYC Show at Brooklyn Mirage

Hidden in plain sight behind a sliding door, House clearly leans more toward Japan than France in its interior design. Like the rest of 50 Norman, the small space is sleek, minimalist and enviably stylish (this is Brooklyn, after all). Tani’s goal is to not only present guests with beautiful, delicious dishes, but also to use each plate to tell the story of the farmers and suppliers that made each one possible. Chef Yuji Tani was brought up in Kyoto, where he first forged his culinary career in French restaurant Bellecour (now called La Part Dieu), after switching trades from being a futon salesman.

PHOTOS From the subway to the sacred: Brooklyn’s breathtaking Eucharistic Revival

house brooklyn

A Brooklyn pastor who was disciplined after he allowed a pop star to shoot a lewd music video in his church wrote a letter taking “full responsibility” for the matter. And in mid-July, that same breathtaking event will unfold at the heart of the United States. So, early on Saturday morning, in anticipation of the Eucharistic Revival at Louis Armstrong Stadium in Flushing Meadows, he boarded the 7 train with members of his flock in tow. According to police, two people of interest were taken into custody in connection to the incident. EAST FLATBUSH, Brooklyn (WABC) -- A 24-year-old man was shot and killed after gun violence erupted in Brooklyn on Saturday night. These are not usual times,” Morgan Bassichis, a member of the progressive group Jewish Voice for Peace, said to attendees.

Best Vegetarian Restaurants in New York City

Combining the French techniques with the minimalist Kyoto-style approach, Chef Yuji Tani serves a unique unparalleled French Japanese cuisine at HOUSE Brooklyn in Greenpoint. Found inside 50 Norman, Greenpoint’s trendy Japanese retail complex, the restaurant is as discrete as they come with just eight seats spaced around a tiny but busy open kitchen, all of which is tucked away behind a sliding door. The chef Yuji Tani has found another home for his precise cooking at this tasting-menu restaurant in the back of an industrial space in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. Tani’s first House restaurant remains open in Tokyo, where it serves what has become his signature elevated yet comforting Japanese-French cuisine.

At certain moments, the restaurant feels like a showroom for the arts-and-crafts store. All the plates and bowls are handmade by potters in Japan, as is an enormous vase in the kitchen that Mr. Tani fills with flowers and other cuttings he buys at the Greenmarket. At some point in the meal — just before a harissa-rubbed venison loin roasted inside a savoy cabbage leaf appears, say — diners are asked to choose a hand-forged knife. In December, the chef Yuji Tani opened a second edition of the highly seasonal French-Japanese restaurant he owns in Tokyo.

This story was first published by the National Catholic Register, CNA’s sister news partner, and is reprinted here on CNA with permission. I first met him in 2021, upon his eventful reassignment to Brooklyn. He had barely settled into the Diocese of Columbus, Ohio, in 2019 — where the paint in his office was probably still drying — only to be moved, much to the sorrow of the Columbus flock. Permits have been filed for a five-story community facility building at 166 North 12th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Located between Berry Street and Bedford Avenue, the lot is near the Bedford Avenue subway station, serviced by the L train. Daniel Dulitz of 166N12, LLC is listed as the owner behind the applications.

At Brooklyn Seder Protest, Jewish New Yorkers Target Schumer Over Aid

In 2019, however, the chef relocated his family to New York, where he had dreams of opening his first restaurant outside of Japan. You-know-what put an understandable spanner in the works but now, the dream has become reality with the recent opening of House Brooklyn. Yuji Tani, the owner chef of the restaurant HOUSE in Tokyo, has been holding collaborative dinners with many restaurants and chefs such as “Chez Panisse” in California, “Carousel” in... Electronic music giants, Swedish House Mafia, have once again sparked mass excitement in New York with the announcement of a surprise, one-night-only performance at the Brooklyn Mirage this Saturday, April 27th.

Chef Tani, born and raised in Kyoto, began his culinary career at French restaurant“ Bellecour ”in Kyoto after leaving his job as a sales rep of an acclaimed Kyoto Bedding supplies Long-established brand. His policy is to bring “farm on the dish” and to embody all the farmers and craftsmen who were involved in creating each plate. Chef Tani also consults for many projects at Hotel, Restaurant, art event, and has been featured in many publications, including Tokyo New Wave by Andrea Fazzari. At House, a host will talk you through a $180 Japanese-French tasting menu that lasts over two hours. Between each of the nine courses, you’ll hear the staff loudly discuss their weekend plans or joke around with the chef—and this is by design. The delicate duck liver monaka feels like a childhood snack with the addition of sugary apple jam, and their signature dish involves a dehydrated strawberry disc that tastes like cereal once you crack it into the burrata underneath.

The Best Restaurants In Greenpoint

The Brooklyn Mirage performance offers a glimpse into Swedish House Mafia’s electrifying summer plans. The trio is gearing up for a festival frenzy, with confirmed sets at Garorock, Panama Open Air, Tomorrowland, Untold, and Findings Festivals. Plus, they’re bringing the heat to the legendary Ushuaïa Ibiza with a six-week residency starting July 21st (they’ll be there every Sunday until August 25th). Police officers who had been monitoring the event warned the demonstrators that they would be arrested if they did not move; when they stayed put, officers wielding zip-tie handcuffs moved in and began making arrests.

Set within an industrial space called 50 Norman and tucked behind sliding doors, lucky diners will discover House. Chef Yuji Tani reveres French and Japanese techniques and ingredients and gives both equal billing at this spot, where a multicourse tasting menu delivers big, elegant and memorable flavors. Mozzarella burrata is accompanied by a thin, fragrant and sweet strawberry for a surprising start. Monaka filled with sweet stewed apples and creamy liver mousse is at once sweet and savory, while kue with lima beans and dill aioli is  tender and juicy.

Sawara is torched ever so slightly and stuffed with simmered daikon, then rests over a gelee of rice for a stunning presentation with bright flavor. Born and raised in Kyoto, Chef Yuji Tani worked in sales for a long-established local bedding company before deciding to hone his skills at an acclaimed French restaurant in Kyoto. Tani then moved to Tokyo, and after serving as executive chef at several restaurants, he opened HOUSE Tokyo in Nishi-Azabu in 2007. Tani also established relationships with professional kitchens all over the world by participating in numerous collaborative dinners and art events in cities including London, San Francisco, New York, and Tokyo.

With such a limited number of seats, just two sittings per night and only four openings a week, a spot at House Brooklyn is about to become the hottest ticket in town. Taquerias, tasting menus, and sandwiches to take to the park—here’s where you should be eating in Greenpoint.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

"House M D." Lucky Thirteen TV Episode 2008 Olivia Wilde as Thirteen

dr house remy hadley

Thirteen phones Chase requesting help on false pretenses, bartering on their relationship to convince Chase to bring medical supplies without explanation. Chase convinces Thirteen to let him help, and Thirteen admits to him that she was in prison for killing her brother. After it becomes clear the woman will die without a hospital, Chase engages in a physical confrontation with Thirteen to get the patient to the hospital. He also deduces that her conviction to always keep promises is so that she can blame her brother's death on her promise to him, rather than blame herself.

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Providers are not able to remove or modify reviews on their own. Reviews can only be removed after an internal review by our customer service team. When he originally auditioned for the show, Hugh Laurie believed Dr. James Wilson (the role that went to Robert Sean Leonard) was the series lead because he couldn’t see how someone as unlikeable as House would be the star. In a 2005 review, one writer called his character “anti-social, misanthropic, cynical, abrasive, abusive, smug." According to co-creator David Shore, House was inspired by two different medical writers.

"House" finale bittersweet: "Everybody Dies" - The Express Tribune

"House" finale bittersweet: "Everybody Dies".

Posted: Fri, 11 May 2012 07:00:00 GMT [source]


House asks Thirteen nicely to tell him what she did. House promises to put in a good word for her with the medical board, and to hire her back as a non-physician assistant. She tells him that she was with a man she met and he overdosed. Thirteen tells Richardson that he will feel better in no time if they are right. Foreman apologizes for invading her privacy and tells her she shouldn't be alone. He offers to fly over to see her, but she says she will be okay.

Olivia Wilde Returning for House Finale - IGN

Olivia Wilde Returning for House Finale.

Posted: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Lisa Edelstein starred as Dr. Lisa Cuddy.

In The Dig, it was revealed that Remy's brother also had Huntington's Disease and that Remy's time in prison was due to euthanizing him in the late stages of his illness. House offered to euthanize her when the time came and when it was right. Though Dr. Hadley maintains a general refusal to discuss personal matters in most situations, it was confirmed that she was bisexual. Thirteen suffered from a genetic condition called Huntington's Chorea, a recurring plot during her tenure on the show.

Dr. Robert Chase

Throughout her tenure in House’s employ, Cameron was often the only one who considered the feelings or desires of the patients. She was also often the only one willing to stand up to House when he stepped too far outside the path of morality. While some might argue that the combined efforts of the diagnostic team serve as House’s Watson, the leading contender might be his colleague and best friend, Dr. James Wilson (Robert Sean Leonard). In fact, throughout the series, Wilson is House’s only consistent friend, despite Wilson having more reason than anyone to abandon him.

dr house remy hadley

Chase later returns to the team in Season 6, and this time he and House butt heads a little more often. That might be because the two of them are more similar than they want to admit. In the episode “The Tyrant,” the team treats a dictator named Dibala (James Earl Jones) who is planning a genocide in his home country. Faced with the looming deaths of millions, Chase intentionally falsified a test, resulting in the patient’s death.

While Thirteen's name was originally intended to be revealed during the story arc, the production team decided against doing so. Thirteen's actual name was on all documents, including the call sheets, with the word "Thirteen" to further the in-joke in the show's narrative between House and Thirteen that he could check her file to find out her name. Wilde describes Thirteen as a "big bowl of secrets," one such being the possibility of the character having Huntington's disease, in stark comparison to her openness.

Dr. Robert Boostanfar, MD

She goes to call in the order and convinces Chase to pick it up. Thirteen wants to know why House is taking her to the tournament. House wants to know what Thirteen is going back for when her license practice medicine is obviously suspended because of her conviction. Thirteen says she doesn't even have a change of clothes, and House turns into a mall to buy her some.

Lin-Manuel Miranda appeared on two episodes.

When Taub accidentally gets a nurse at the hospital pregnant, he decides to have a go at being a good partner and parent, but not before his old life and old relationships catch up with him. Rounding out House’s original team is Dr. Robert Chase (Jesse Spencer), the heartthrob from Australia. In the beginning, Chase agrees with House nearly by default, displaying an almost giddy enthusiasm for House’s more questionable practices. Despite all that, Chase is fired at the end of Season 3, but stays on as a surgeon at the hospital, allowing him to make the occasional appearance.

Hugh Laurie starred as Dr. Gregory House in all eight seasons of "House." "'Thirteen' is hidden, and hasn't yet revealed very much about herself. She doesn't really want to look into the future, and House finds that enormously compelling." Both Thirteen and House are equally critical and understanding of each other's self-pity and fatalism in the face of miserable circumstances. Although she believes in the importance of hope, Thirteen says in "Changes" that she believes that people are intrinsically happy or miserable, and that this cannot be changed. House states that this is her defense mechanism, because if she can convince herself that she would have been miserable either way, she does not need to resent the fact that her life is full of misfortune rather than fortune.

dr house remy hadley

The woman sees someone standing over her bed pointing a gun at her. Thirteen is in the other room cleaning up blood stains. The man with the woman points a gun at her and she pleads with him to put it down. Thirteen hears her crying out and realizes she has been hallucinating. House returns Thirteen to her house and asks for gas money. He also promises to kill her when the time comes and even offers to use his baseball bat now if it would be convenient.

It follows the titular Dr. Gregory House and his team of diagnosticians at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. They work in the Department of Diagnostic Medicine, where unsolved medical mysteries go to get solved. Thirteen started dating Dr. Foreman, another member of the hospital staff, fairly soon after starting work at Princeton-Plainsboro. Their relationship goes well for a while, but they have trouble balancing their careers and romance – especially when he becomes her superior. Outside of Foreman, Thirteen is also known for engaging in recreational sex with both men and women. Well, “known” might be a stretch since she tries to keep that part of her life under wraps, but Thirteen definitely enjoys the physical company of both sexes.

House agrees with Thirteen, but only because faking the current symptoms would be suicidal. Chase arrives with the clotting factor, but Thirteen sends him out to get more. Thirteen just wants to give her more clotting factor, but Chase tells her she needs a CT Scan and surgery to even have a chance of surviving. Chase tells her she's risking both of their careers and prison. Thirteen says she won't take the woman to the hospital, but Chase says he will do it himself. She and Chase get into a fight, and Thirteen soon has the upper hand, although Chase soon overpowers her.

If House is the Holmes of this eight-season medical drama, then you might be wondering who fills the role of Watson. It’s a good question and the answer isn’t totally clear, but it’s a good bet it’s someone (or many people) on this list. Thirteen's mother died of Huntington's disease, a genetically inheritable illness, years prior to her work at the hospital.

Thirteen House Wikipedia

dr house remy hadley

We knew the network was looking for procedurals, and Paul [Attanasio] came up with this medical idea that was like a cop procedural. But I quickly began to realize that we needed that character element. Before she broke into the acting world, House actress Lisa Edelstein, who played Dr. Lisa Cuddy, was infamous in New York’s club scene of the 1980s.

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House realizes that he's going to give Thirteen the drug once again and tells the patient that he'll inject the drug in himself because more drugs would kill Thirteen. The patient doesn't care, noting that since Thirteen has taken everything that he's taken, any bad reactions she has to it would more accurately reflect what would happen to him. Thirteen tells House that she'll either die from the drug or the patient will shoot her, so she'll die either way. Throughout the series, Cuddy struggles to maintain balance between giving House room to operate and staying on the right side of ethics and the law.

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Dr. James Wilson is a direct parallel to Holmes’ partner Dr. John Watson. Rebecca Adler, a patient in the pilot, is named after the main antagonist in the Sherlock Holmes novels. And at the end of season 2, House is shot by a man named Jack Moriarty.

Omar Epps played Dr. Eric Foreman.

dr house remy hadley

She goes to leave, but Benjamin says he will give her the other kidney. She reminds him he will die, but he says he can go on dialysis and save even more lives when he dies and donates his other organs. Thirteen's portrayer, Olivia Wilde, was demoted from the main cast and was made again a recurring character. She only made three but important appearances in this season. The reaction to the hyperbaric chamber seems to rule out carbon monoxide, but Thirteen wants to test the assistant and patient for infections because the assistant seemed to be in a daze.

The softer, gentler House, the one who admitted to vulnerabilities and tried really, really hard to be a grown up, has been buried again in a landslide of recklessness and self-destruction. House might be hell-bent to dig up the dirt on Thirteen, but he recovers some of himself along the way. Taub’s dalliances are a consistent boulder in his own path and his dalliances eventually do lead to divorce, though he and his wife maintain an unconventional kinship.

Dr. Robert Chase

However, despite her faith in House, Wilson pointed out that she is one of the only fellows House has ever had who has not "fallen under his spell". Indeed, House has been particularly inept in manipulating Thirteen (although he did succeed in getting her to return to the team in Teamwork). The team come in the next morning and start going through files. Foreman says he missed a call from House the previous night and wonders if he's in. Thirteen tells her about the parasite, but tells her she's going to be okay. Thirteen tells her she's lashing out, and she knows she saved her life.

Robert Sean Leonard was Dr. James Wilson.

Taub mentioning to Chase about Thirteen having "Sapphic sex". "Sapphic" refers to lesbian/ism, from the Greek lyric poet Sappho who lived on the island of Lesbos. Thirteen is the only currently-known doctor on the show that is not heterosexual; her bisexuality has been explored since the episode Don't Ever Change.

Is it life or death for Gregory House in Fox series finale? - Tampa Bay Times

Is it life or death for Gregory House in Fox series finale?.

Posted: Sun, 20 May 2012 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The team must excavate, catalogue, and analyze what it finds to uncover the psychic cause. And Foreman does some digging of his own, resolved to uncover the secret to Taub’s (Peter Jacobsen) romantic success. As the trailers for “The Dig” reveal, Thirteen has been in jail for six of the last 12 months she’s been missing.

dr house remy hadley

He tells her that he supports her choice to try the new treatment. Chase and Thirteen are discussing the side effects of the drugs they gave Dr. Richardson. Thirteen wants to know if Chase is going to ask her about the Huntington's trial. He says he's not interested, but asks if she wants to have sex with him.

In the Holmes books, the detective’s arch-nemesis is criminal mastermind James Moriarty. Another of the new crew, Dr. Chris Taub (Peter Jacobsen) is a former plastic surgeon turned diagnostician. He is chosen in part for his willingness to stand up to House, a quality Dr. Cuddy favors. Taub enjoyed early success in his career which was stifled by missteps in his personal life. He has a history of cheating on his wife, which cost him his plastic surgery practice and nearly his marriage. An immunology specialist and one of the original trio, Dr. Allison Cameron (Jennifer Morrison) was the heart and soul of the diagnostic department.

Thirteen eventually admits to House that she did what she had to when her brother's time had come, and that now she is alone and will have nobody there for her when her time comes. House later tells her that he is willing to euthanise her when she needs him to and rehires her onto his team. Thirteen draws five full syringes of bloody liquid and manages to restore blood flow to the arm. Chase notes they have no idea what her problem is and there are too many possibilities. However, Thirteen doesn't think it is illegal drugs because her kidneys and heart seem to be fine. Chase thinks it might just be the hepatitis, but Thirteen reminds him if that were the issue, her whole body would be swollen, not just her left arm.

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